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Most couples bring baggage to marriage...

Most couples bring baggage to marriage...

The wedding day is not a culmination of your life but the beginning. From that point on, you will be spending your life with the one you love. Pre-wedding counseling helps make you aware of the small issues so that they don’t become big problems.

You are not the first to be here. You meet someone that fills your heart and your head. For several months (or years) it seems you both are living in a cloud of bliss. The air is rare up there and you never want to touch the ground again.

Eventually there will be talk of an engagement and a wedding. You both have never been more in love. Unfortunately, when you are so enamored with each other, life issues don’t usually come up. Things like religion, sex, children, personal values and money are nowhere in the equation at this time. To that end many wake up one day after several years of marriage wondering who this person is that they married.

Pre-wedding counseling is a solution to the nightmare of divorce and unhappy marriages. Counselors know that your love overshadows everything else at the early stages of your relationship and their job is to make you aware of the issues before entering into a lifelong union.

The Counselor – Counseling is usually done by a minister or priest. Most people marry in a church and it is sometimes policy for the couple to engage in counseling before they are allowed to walk the aisle. If you are going for a non-traditional wedding, your counselor can be a licensed family therapist who has experience with pre-marital counseling.

The Sessions – Counseling sessions can range from one or two to an entire course. It is up to the counselor and the couple. The couple and the counselor meet alone to discuss issues that are important to a marriage like the ones mentioned earlier. It is necessary for couples to sort out their individual thoughts on these and other matters to see if they are compatible at the deeper levels of a relationship.

The Outcome – A firm foundation secures the home that is built upon it. That is the goal of pre-wedding counseling – to build firm foundations. The time to discuss children is not after three years of marriage when the biological clock is ticking. Money issues can’t wait until the well runs dry.

The goal of pre-wedding counseling is not to break up couples but to get them to see the big picture of their lives. Think of it as another part of your wedding plans.

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So, you’ve decided to tie the knot. Now it’s time to find that special place for the impending nuptials. Why be limited by geographic boundaries? If you want to leave the country to get married, here are a few things you should know.

1. Plan ahead and save money. It is usually a rule of thumb that the earlier you plan anything, the better the deal will be. For a wedding abroad, getting the ball rolling as soon as possible gives you time to handle all the particulars. When you can’t feasibly visit the location to check on things, it’s not a good idea to leave anything to chance. A year in advance is not too soon for a wedding on foreign soil.

2. Who is coming? Granny may be able to come a few states away for your wedding but another country? Before spending a lot of money on the ceremony in Bora-Bora, check to see how many people can afford to make it. Look for package deals that include airfare for your guests. All-inclusive resorts provide activities, food and drinks included to lower the cost of their stay.

3. What are the wedding laws there? Things may not operate the same way in tropical destinations. Investigate policy regarding marriage licenses, the wedding officiate and any fees the locals charge. If the wedding takes place at a resort, you’ll have to schedule in advance for the ceremony.

4. Find a reputable wedding consultant. You don’t want to handle this yourself. Choose someone you trust to suggest where to hold the wedding and how to handle everything that goes with it. Wedding consultants who have handled weddings abroad work with travel agents to get deals for their clients and their guests. Ask family and friends for referrals. Ask as many questions as you need in order to pick the wedding consultant that is right for you.

5. Be open to change. Winter weddings are magical and spring weddings are beautiful. Despite the romantic notions you conjure up in your mind, getting married abroad may require you to be a little more practical. Choosing the off-season saves money as well as avoids the crowds that populate resorts and foreign destinations during the more popular times of year. Also, a weekday wedding might be required depending on what country you are in. these changes won’t affect the important parts of your nuptials but it will save your pocketbook.

Getting married in a new and exotic location can be quite exciting. Know what you need to do beforehand so there are no surprises on the big day.

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